Sunday, August 5, 2007


Greetings and Salutations Visitor!

I trust that you are here because you are interested in South Africa, its history and its people. If so, you are at the right place.

The intention of this blog is to communicate with one another - not one way communication either but rather two-way communication in which articles are published either by myself or by you, with the intention of expanding our knowledge, and that of other visitors to the site, about the country people, history and any other related topics, such as heraldry, culture, photography, biography, etc.

It is not my intention to rehash information readily available elsewhere on the internet however where such information advances our knowledge, I will publish links and/or summaries. I will also answer questions as far as I can however I rely on your assistance to answer questions that I have not answered fully or to which I do not know the answer myself - we are all here to learn from one another.

Should you have ideas to improve this blog feel free to share your ideas and your knowledge.

Please feel free to ask your questions, share your insight, your experiences, your links, your lists, your photographs and in fact anything else that will be of benefit to other visitors to this blog.

Don't hesitate - let us get started on the road to knowledge and I am sure that it will be an interesting journey for all of us.



1 comment:

Steve Hayes said...

Hi Conrod

I've blogrolled you on my family history blog.